

The experience of time is something that has yet to be explained and which is not understood. The ever present "now" is continually slipping away before it can be grasped or analyzed.

And yet, modern day astronomers believe it is possible to look backwards in time by gazing through a telescope; a concept that is little more than a fantasy based on magical thinking.

By staring at the images and light patterns captured by their telescopic time machines astronomers have made the rather fantastic claim that the universe began with a big bang, around 13.7 billion years ago.

This magical thinking is based upon a purposeful misunderstanding of the doppler effect and a phenomena referred to as "red shifts."

(Telescopic time machines, science fiction, is an excellent way to describe what "big bang" astronomers use to "inflate" the "big bang" theory into something from nothing.)

It is well known that frequency and velocity of sound or light changes as it approaches or moves away from an observer. Thus a police car siren sounds different as it approaches and changes yet again as it speeds away.

Astronomers have seized upon this concept, claiming that time, distance, and direction of movement can be determined if the light wave patterns emitted by a specific galaxy, are red or blue. Presumably, a galaxy speeding away in the opposite direction from the Earth exhibits a red shift, and those approaching exhibit the blue.

Lemaître, Slipher, Hubble, and others theorized that red shifts and blue shift were due to the Doppler effect (though later Hubble expressed considerable doubt), and were indications of distance and "apparent velocity" and therefore could be considered proof that the universe is expanding in all directions.

The support for the big bang expansion of the universe is based upon the determination of distance of standard stars (super nova Type Ia) and by the relative light energy transmitted from these stars.

However, the distances are also determined by red shifts and the Hubble constant which is based on mathematical derivations originally proposed by Bishop Lemaître.

For example, in the big bang closed universe model, photons increase in wavelength and their red shift also increase as the space through which they are traveling stretches and expands. Likewise, as the distance between two galaxies increases, the space between these galaxies also increase.

Therefore, if two galaxies are approaching, the space between them shrinks and distance between light waves emitted by these galaxies also shrink and shift to the blue spectrum. If two galaxies are speeding in opposite directions, the space between them expands as does the light waves emitted which shifts toward the red.

Hubble believed he could determine linear relationships between red shifts and distances, by measurements using nearby calibrated stars.

Hubble and others, however, assumed that all stars are equally bright, and that stars which are more faint must be further away. This reasoning, of course, is completely absurd. Nevertheless, based on these assumption, coupled with the mathematical calculations of Bishop Lemaître, the "Hubble Constant" was invented.

(Of course all stars are NOT equally bright. To assume stars that are more faint must be further away is just an absurb assumption.

If you are an atheist ask yourself this question. My "creator" the "big bang" theory, a mathematical theory created by man, wants me to also assume that all stars in the universe are equally bright just because the "hubble constant" assumes this is so. Again the "big bang" theory is shown to be science fiction. In the real world it is NOT assumed that ALL stars are equally bright because if they were ALL stars would of course be in the same state as the others which of course again is ABSURB!)

Hubble then assumed that these inferred linear relationships for the assumed distances of nearby stars are also valid for very remote stars which were believed to be remote because of their faint light. Thus, it is believed that red shifts, and the Hubble constant can be used to calculate distances for stars that are assumed to be extremely far away as based on how faint or bright they appear relative to other stars; an assumption based in part on the "Cosmology principle."



Via these measures and constructs astronomers have attempted to guess the age and expansion rate of the universe, using a specific type of star, a cepheid, as a reference point.

Cepheid are variable stars which have cyclic periods of high and low luminosity. The luminosity of cepheid stars range from 100-10000 times that of the Sun. A mathematical construct, called the Cepheid variable has been used to determine its distance to other galaxies. Therefore, because the relationship between a Cepheid variable's luminosity and variability period is precise, these stars have become the foundation of the Extragalactic Distance Scale.

The brightness of a cepheid yields a value, based on the Hubble Constant. Based on these periodic changes astronomers came up with a Hubble Constant of 70, which gives a value of 12 billion light years, which was then interpreted to mean an age of 12 billion light years. Thus, some astronomers have claimed the universe is 12 billion years old based on measurements of light from just a few stars; light which actually gives no information regarding age, but only approximations regarding distance relative to a moving earth.


The theory of the Big Bang, Hubble's Law, and the a mathematical construct called the Hubble Constant predict that the universe is expanding and the expansion rate is constant and unvarying. What some astronomers have discovered instead, however, is that the expansion of the universe appears to be speeding up!

Based on these assumptions, it appeared that these remote stars are even further away than might be predicted from the red shift data. It was concluded that the movement of these distant stars must have increased in speed, and the expansion is therefore accelerating.

These assumptions were bolstered further in 1998 and 1999, based on published observations of red shift-distance relationships of Type Ia supernovae ("one-A"). This data also suggested that the expansion of the universe is accelerating--findings completely incompatible with the theory of the big bang.

Its time again for a "big bang" theory patch to explain why the 'big bang" theory is not ABSURB! (Bill Rains)

Thus, "dark energy" was invented to provide the energy for acceleration and to save the theory. It is "Dark Energy" which is propelling these galaxies, and Dark Energy must have also been produced by the big bang. Of course, Dark Energy has never been seen or detected. It is merely an imaginary construct.

Dark Energy is an invisible repulsive force which is driving the universe apart and which is inexplicably speeding up the movement of stars and galaxies. It is this mysterious undetectable energy, which is causing certain stars to behave opposite or contradictory to that predicted by the big bang.

Dark energy is only an equation that has been written to explain how the "big bang" theory explains how the universe came from nothing, by accident for no reason. It makes even less sense than the original theory. "Dark energy" is an invisible "force" of undetectable energy that can't be explained by science in the real world.

(Dark energy can be explained in the world of science fiction because it is science fiction that isn't plausible.)

Picking and choosing among all these contradictory observations and findings, some astronomers have warned the so called increased rate of expansion will cause the universe to tear itself apart. Others tell us the universe will collapse into itself in a big crunch. In truth, what these speculative flights of fantasy really indicate is that the temple priests of science have no understanding as to the nature of the universe, are are simply grasping at straws and creating ever more convoluted and contradictory theories in order to preserve their big bang theology.

Dark Energy is also believed to account for the "missing" 70% to 90% of the mass-energy of the universe and which cannot be accounted for by the big bang. Conveniently, Dark Energy is believed to be both a constant energy density filling space homogeneously, and to be cyclic and dynamic which would explain why energy densities conflict with predictions of the big bang, and why they vary in space and time.

Therefore, inferences, assumptions and erroneous predictions based on belief in a big bang, have led to additional inferences and assumptions, and imaginary constructs such as "dark energy" and the "cosmology principle." The "Cosmology principle" is in fact, based on the work of Alexander Friedmann, whose physics Einstein publicly ridiculed.


According to the big bang model and the "Cosmology principle", because the big bang universe is a closed system, stars which are moving away are not moving through empty space. Instead, the space between different stars is stretching.

According to the "Cosmology principle" the universe is homogeneous and isotropic: "All points in space ought to experience the same physical development, correlated in time in such a way that all points at a certain distance from an observer appear to be at the same stage of development. In that sense, all spatial conditions in the Universe must appear to be homogeneous and isotropic to an observer at all times in the future and in the past (Mainzer and J Eisinger 2002, The Little Book of Time. Springer).

Therefore the "Cosmology principle" coupled with beliefs about red shifts could be used to determine age and time. The Big Bangers argued therefore, that red shifts serve as a reliable measure of the age of the universe. Increasing red shifts, they claim, corresponds to greater distances backward in time. Thus, the further away a galaxy appears and the larger its red shift, the older it must be. Likewise, galaxies neighboring these ancient galaxies must be the same age. By contrast, galaxies which are closer to the Earth, and exhibiting a blue shift, are younger.

Therefore, since the largest red shifts are associated with the cosmic microwave background, and as the numerical value of its red shift is about z = 1089 (z = 0 corresponds to present time). Therefore, according to theory, this red shift was created around 13.7 billion years ago, soon after the big bang.

The cosmic microwave background (CMB) electromagnetic radiation infiltrates the universe as a faint, fluctuating background glow which is roughly the same in all directions and can only be detected with a radio telescope. The CMB was discovered in 1964 by radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson and earned them the Nobel Prize in 1978. Penzias attributed the CMB to the big bang, which he believed had been created and was guided according to a "supernatural plan."

You can find the "supernatural plan" in Genesis 1:1

It was not caused by a "big bang" but creation of the universe by GOD.

Good News Post (KJV) Bible

There are several explanations for the source of the CMB. For example, it most likely reflects the collective electromagnetic residue of all the galaxies, stars, and other stellar objects in the cosmos. Because the universe is not uniform and galaxies clump together, and leave large regions of space empty, the CMB is not homogenous or uniform, but fluctuates in different regions of space.

However, these fluctuations are inconsistent with big bang predictions. According to the big bang model, the CMB is the residue of big bang explosion and thus should be homogenous and completely uniform--and its isn't.

Therefore, to save this aspect of the theory, "dark matter" and "dark energy" were rushed to the rescue. These hypothetic, invisible "Dark " forces are believed to be partly responsible for the fluctuations in the "cosmic microwave background." Dark matter/energy are also believed to account for the misbehavior of galaxies and light, and for the missing mass/energy of 75%-95% of the universe.

"Dark Matter" like "Dark Energy" however, is an invention, designed to save the big bang theory.


According to Big Bang theology, the photons produced by the big bang still exist and have been flowing across the closed system universe, and they have grown fainter because the universe has become stretched and has grown larger. These photons, and the associated red shifts, are therefore "relics" from the past, and thus the CMB can be used to tell time.

Not just the CMB, but the red shifts of distant galaxies have also been used to tell time. And this data has also been interpreted as consistent with a big bang creation 13 billion years ago.

However the big bang theory puts our own Milkyway galaxy at over 13 billion years old. There are in fact fully formed stars and galaxies over "13 billion years" distant from the Earth. The presence of these fully formed galaxies are proof the universe could not have been created 13 billion years ago.

Red shifts in fact, tell us nothing about time. Time is not distance, and distance is not time. And time is not related to red shifts.

Hubble in fact discovered that the correlations between increasing red shifts and the increasing distance of galaxies were inexact and inaccurate and prone to error. Red shifts could only be employed as very rough estimates.

Doppler and Einstein also concluded determinations of distance can only be approximate as based on the Doppler effect.

Hubble in fact later expressed considerable doubt about this relationship: "If the redshifts are a Doppler shift ... the observations as they stand lead to the anomaly of a closed universe, curiously small and dense, and, it may be added, suspiciously young. On the other hand, if redshifts are not Doppler effects, these anomalies disappear and the region observed appears as a small, homogeneous, but insignificant portion of a universe extended indefinitely both in space and time." -Edmund Hubble, Royal Astronomical Society Monthly Notices, 17, 506, 1937.

Nevertheless, the acolytes of the Big Bang religion, have deified and elevated these inaccurate and error prone guesstimates to the status of law; known today as "Hubble's law" and the Hubble Constant.

According to the "law" the universe is only about 13.7 billion years old, as determined by red shift data from the CMB and distant stars. And to defy the law, is to risk excommunication from the sacred halls of science.

These assumptions are completely inaccurate. Time, like distance, is relative to an observer. The experience of time, as Einstein observed, is relative and subjective. Time is not a thing that can be located here or there, which is why the ever present now always slips away before it can be grasped.

Time is not distance and distance is not time, and time cannot be determined based on the speed of light. Thirteen billion light years distant is not the same as thirteen billion years in the past.

Light is effected by many variables which is why the red shift of far away galaxies provide only gross estimates of distance and tell us nothing about time.

Time is relative and so too is distance, yet the vast majority of cosmologists, and the journal editors who publish them, have completely ignored relativity and the warnings of Hubble, Doppler, and Einstein, and they have done so as a matter of faith, to serve their big bang god.

(Yes atheists have faith. Faith in mans ability to explain their origin. The "big bang" theory is pure science fiction BECAUSE it ignores the laws of relativity and it is constantly being revised to fit the mold of mathematicians. It is a black hole of information that is worthless in the real world.)

Thus we are told that based on the red shifts of the most distant galaxies so far observed, that these galaxies are 13 billion light years away and thus the Universe was created 13 billion years ago, in a big bang.

But 13 billion light years away from what? Relative to what?

Time and distance are relative, and all observations of far away galaxies are relative to where the Earth is now. Red shifts are effected by movement and the stretching of space. And not just distant galaxies, but the Earth and our Milkyway galaxy, are also in motion.

Red shifts and blue shifts are also related to the movements of our galaxy. If space is truly being stretched, then not just distant galaxies, but the movements of our galaxy act to stretch space and alter the waveforms of light.

Astronomers who make fantastic claims about the meaning of red shifts, conveniently ignore the fact that the Earth and our sun is also in motion as it orbits the Milkyway galaxy. And, the Milkyway is also in motion and may be in orbit. Thus, as the Earth journeys orbits the Milky-way galaxy, and as the Milky-way moves through space, the red shifts of far away galaxies can become blue shifts.

That is, just as the Earth and Mars orbit at different speeds, with the Earth orbiting away from Mars, leaving Mars in the distance, and then eventually overtakes Mars, galaxies that appear to be speeding away may circle around, such that red shifts become blue.

Indeed, even the most far away galaxies may be in orbit, thus seemingly speeding away when in fact they are slowly moving round and round, across the face of the cosmos.

Thus, a galaxy that appears to be speeding toward us, may at some future date appear to be speeding away, a consequence of their own unknown orbits and as our solar system swings around the Milkyway.

Red shifts and blue shifts are relative to the movements of the Earth and our own Milky-way galaxy and reflect expansions and contractions of space, not time.

Red shifts, in fact, are incredibly variable, and can change drastically in magnitude in just a few years.

Consider, for example, galaxy STIS 123627, also referred to as "Sharon". Sharon it was announced just a few years ago, is the most distant galaxy every discovered, over 12.5 billion light years away scientists proudly proclaimed. However, by 2007 Sharon no longer exhibited the same red shift previously observed, and is now estimated to be maybe 9 billion light years away.

Red shifts do not measure time, and provide only gross approximations of distance, approximations which may change drastically over just a few years of time.

The fantastic claim that distant galaxies are receding or the universe was created 13 billion years ago has no scientific basis. Rather, at this moment in time, the space between certain galaxies appears to be expanding whereas space between others appears to be contracting, relative to the movement of the Earth and where the Earth is now.


Stars differ in luminance and faint or bright is not an indication of distance or time. Red shifts, and the speed of light, are variable and are effected by numerous factors. Red shift estimates as to distance, even if grossly accurate, tell us nothing about time.

Light is effected by gravity, including the gravity of other galaxies, thus giving rise to "gravitational lensing" and other distortions, including perhaps, the speeding up or slowing down of the speed of light. Gravity would also affect the perceived luminance and red or blue shift of a star. Thus claims about distance or time based on red shifts have no validity.

(Answer this question if you are an atheist: Your 'big bang" creator insists that you believe that light is not affected by gravity nor is its perceived luminance. If this is so why is light affected by "gravitational lensing" and other distortions?)

Any measurements of far away galaxies based on light, red shift, and radio waves are unreliable. The "speed of light" for example is not a constant and the speed and direction of light varies in different regions of the cosmos and is effected by dust, gas, and gravity. Not all space is equal.

Consider a phenomena know as gravitational lensing. Space and light can be twisted, curved, magnified, and displaced by the combined gravitational pull of nearby galaxies.

For example, in deep sky images, mysterious lights have been detected, including a red arc of light beside a distant cluster of galaxies 12 million light years away. The red arc is an illusion, it is merely the refracted and displaced light from galaxies so far away, we have no idea where they are located.

Further examination of this arc of red light revealed a galactic nursery of new born stars. However, its true location and distance, is completely unknown.

Massive galaxies can also bend, mirror, telescope and project this distorted light from other galaxies, creating incredible optical illusions such that clusters of stars billions of light years behind them may instead appear to be neighboring galaxies.

Galaxies and stars may hide, obscure, and eclipse distant galaxies behind them. However, due to gravitational lensing, the light from these distant galaxies can be twisted, turned, and then bent, so they appear alongside instead of behind the galaxies obscuring them.

In 2003, astronomers pointed the Hubble telescope at galaxy cluster Abel 1689. To their surprise, Able 1689 was acting like a cosmic fun-house mirror that was reflecting, bending, displacing, and distorting light from an even more distant cluster of galaxies estimated to be 13 billion light years away. The light from these distant galaxies which were believed to be eclipsed and hidden were captured by the combined gravitational pull of Able 1689 and other unknown factors, creating a galactic optical illusion and arcs of galactic light.

In fact, further examination and inspection of galaxy cluster Abel 1689, revealed that at least five of the galaxies believed to be part of this cluster, were also optical illusions. The true location and distance of these five galaxies is completely unknown.


It is assumed that the effects of gravity are linear for shorter distances. However, there is no justification for assuming it would remain linear at greater distances. As distance from the Earth increases, gravitational drag would also increase.

Indeed, every galaxy between the Earth and the light source would have an effect on the passage of light. As distance increases, the distorting gravitational effects of additional galaxies would multiply.

Then there is the effect of dust and gas. The greater the distance, the more dust and gas the light must pass through. In fact, The dust and gas in the Milky Way can cause extinction at optical wavelengths, and foreground stars can be confused with background galaxies.

Then there is the effect of long distance travel and thus energy loss, as the light passes through increasing distances of very cold space. Photons lose energy with distance, and become increasingly faint, possibly falling to below the microwave range. It is precisely because light loses energy that the night is black and not white despite the innumerable stars and galaxies in the sky.

Thus, light can be bent, mirrored, reflected, distorted, deflected, and speeded up and slowed down, and even red shifts may become significantly altered over just a few years of time. To make any claims about the age of the universe, based on light, is an absurdity.

Indeed, a close examination of the data indicates the basic assumptions about red shifts, the nature of light, and the big bang, are so riddled with errors they raise the specter of purposeful fraud in service of their faith, the belief in the big bang.

The big bang is religion, masquerading as science.

(The "big bang" religion is taught in public schools and universities as fact when it reality it is SCIENCE FICTION masquerading as a religion!)

Pure Mathematics Virtue

Matter And Energy

Infinite Universe 

Back To Fine Tuned Universe

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Psalm 19:1-3 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. 19:2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 19:3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning (time), God created the heavens (space) and the earth (matter)."

We all see the evidence of God's creation. How we interpret what we see helps us make sense of this present world. The Bible, the “history book of the universe”, provides a reliable, eye-witness account of the beginning of all things. When properly understood, the “evidence” confirms the biblical account. The universe is "fined tuned" for life, ie designed by a designer, creator, The Lord GOD Almighty.