The book of Revelation can be confusing if your relying on commentators who might confuse you. The Introduction To Revelation commentary at is a very good reference starting point for the Book of Revelation. Also The Day Of The Lord Commentary 2 Peter 3:10 lays out a good time line for understanding Revelation.

I began reading the commentary on 2 Pet 3:10 that including the following time line:

I Thessalonians 5:2. The very first phase of “the day of the Lord” will indeed be sudden and unexpected, when the great rapture of all believers, dead and living, into the heavens will take place (I Thessalonians 4:13-17; I Corinthians 15:51-53). Then the day of the Lord will continue for the seven-year period of tribulation judgments on earth (see on Daniel 9:24-27; Matthew 24:15-30; Isaiah 13:9-11) and the thousand-year millennial reign of Christ on earth following that (Revelation 20:6).

Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4)  before the seven year period of tribulation, the tribulation period, Revelation 20:4 satan bound 1,000 years during Christ's 1000 year reign with the saints, Rev 20:7 satan released from the bottomless pit, Rev 20:8 stand decieves the unsaved people of the earth, Rev 20:8 satan and millions of unsaved people surround Jerusalem to battle the Lord, Rev 20:9 God sends a ring of fire down from heaven to destroy the unsaved, Rev 20:10 satan is cast into the lake of fire, Rev 20:11 great white throne judgement of the unsaved, Rev 20:12 the unsaved are judged according to their works which includes rejecting Jesus as Saviour, Rev 20:13 Death (the graves of the unsaved) and hell (the souls of the unsaved) are thrown into the lake of fire for eternal punishment.

Rev 21:1     A new heaven and new earth (no more sea) New Jerusalem comes down from heaven.

Rev 20:5     Everything is made new again and perfect just as it was in creation week. No more curse because of sin.

Rev 1:8       Jesus Christ is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, the Creator and perfector of creation!


"It would seem, based on the stated purpose of the book of revelation, that the best interpretation is no interpretation! That is, since its purpose was to be a blessing to its readers and to unveil the future to them, it would be written as simply and understandably as possible. Thus it would mean precisely what it says, with no interpretation necessary at all."

The book of Revelation can be confusing if your relying on commentators who might confuse you. The Introduction To Revelation commentary at is a very good reference starting point for the Book of Revelation. Also The Day Of The Lord Commentary 2 Peter 3:10 lays out a good time line for understanding Revelation.

Revelation 1:1 commentary from


Revelation 1:1

1:1 Revelation. The last book of the Bible gets its name from this first word (Greek apokalupsis), which means literally an “unveiling” of something previously concealed. The same word is translated “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 1:7), “the appearing of Jesus Christ” (I Peter 1:7), and “the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven” (II Thessalonians 1:7). This book is not about certain things Christ has revealed, but about the revelation—that is, the unveiling, the appearing—of Christ Himself.

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